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Spot Throughput Services

Spot Throughput Services

As part of the Post-3 Mtpa LNG Import Framework, the Energy Market Authority (EMA) has decided to allow spot LNG import by interested parties. LNG that is imported for local use by Singapore gas users (in the form of LNG or regasified LNG) is considered spot LNG import if the term for supply does not exceed 12 months. Based on EMA’s Spot Import Policy, the allowed annual quantity of spot LNG will be capped at 10% of the total contracted gas quantity under long-term gas sales agreements for both LNG and piped natural gas. This will be determined by EMA on an annual basis.

Please refer to the table below for the Allowed Spot LNG Import Quantity for calendar year 2022. The Allowed Spot LNG Import Quantity and required terminal capacity for spot LNG import will be allocated on a first-committed-first-served basis. Parties will be able to execute contracts for Spot Throughput Services at most 125 days before the start of the calendar year, and at least 45 days before the start of the services.

Allowed Spot LNG Import Quantity for Calendar Year 2024

Allowed Spot LNG Import Quantity for CY2024 23,091,049.80
Allowed Spot LNG Import Quantity still available in CY2024 23,091,049.80

Allowed Spot LNG Import Quantity for Calendar Year 2025

Allowed Spot LNG Import Quantity for CY2025 20,279,509.50
Allowed Spot LNG Import Quantity still available in CY2025 20,279,509.50

Terminal Tariffs

The Singapore LNG Terminal's tariffs for Throughput Services are regulated by EMA. Our tariffs for Throughput Services related to long-term and short-term gas sales agreements are, at present, the same. For details on the long-term terminal tariffs for Throughput Services, please click here. In addition, Spot Throughput Customers who require additional storage beyond 30 days will be required to pay an Additional Storage Charge of S$0.20/mmbtu for each additional day’s storage.


on queries regarding our Spot Throughput Services and/or its tariffs.


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